Most people have heard of the classic tip and strip pen. It seemed like a fun thing to sell at Bare Oaks except that the popular version of the pen features people who look/pose like strippers. So we decided to commission our own version using an illustration by Australian artist Stephen Crowley (author of The Bare Pit, Loxie & Zoot and The Koala Bares). So instead of stripping the people, we are liberating their bodies from the oppression of textiles! Since there wasn’t enough room for two people, we produced two versions – a woman and a man. The pens are not a cheap Asian imports.Read More →

You want to tell your friends, family and co-workers that you are a naturist. But you don’t want to make a big announcement and you’re not sure how to bring up the subject. After all, it’s a natural thing to do and isn’t a big deal. Here’s the solution. Get yourself the Bare Oaks mug and just casually drink your morning coffee in it.  Or just leave it laying around. It’s bound to generate some questions.  The cartoon nature of the image makes it relatively inoffensive. The variety of ages, genders, and types of people shows that naturism is for everyone. Of course, make sure youRead More →

Zippered storage pocket We’ve had a steady number of requests at the Bare Boutique for a pocket towel to carry keys, money, etc…  (Because as textiles love to point out, we naturists have no pockets!) Variations on the pockets towels have been sold in the past by the FQN, FCN and, most recently, the Nudist Store. Unfortunately, none of these options are still available. Then last fall, we found this incredibly functional towel. It took the pocket towel well beyond what anyone had seen before! Slides over back of chair Folds into a bag So we brought in 10 towels to gauge the interest. And they soldRead More →

Photo by Bryan Thatcher  Shop naked! OK, that’s not really a novelty since you can shop naked at Bare Oaks anytime. But it has become a cliché to say that any activity you do on the internet can be done naked. So we’re joining the fun with the online version of the Bare Boutique. Shopping naked in the real store is much more pleasant but for those who live far away, this is a good alternative. The fact is that there hasn’t been a Canadian retail option for naturist/nudist merchandise since the demise of The Nudist Store. So for those who live too far away fromRead More →