Turn off your lights for Earth Hour 2012 on Saturday March 31st at 8:30pm. Join Us At Bare Oaks Join us this Saturday (March 31st) from 8-10pm for our Candlelit Game Night for Earth Hour. Turn off your lights and electronics at home and come join us to celebrate Earth Hour at Bare Oaks. The lower level of the clubhouse will be beautifully lit with candles as members challenge each other to a game of pool, ping pong, darts, and various board games. Snacks welcome, keeping mindful of where your ingredients come from and challenging yourself to shop locally. About Earth Hour Hundreds of millions ofRead More →

Saturday March 27 8:30 – 9:30 p.m. At Bare Oaks, we will turn off as many lights and other electrical devices as we can for Earth Hour. Hundreds of millions of people around the world will turn off their lights for an hour to demand action on climate change. But that’s just the beginning. Every hour, Canadians are taking small steps to lessen their impact on the environment. From hanging your clothes to dry to taking transit to work, those small steps add up to huge changes for the better. If you are at Bare Oaks, please help us by turning off as many thingsRead More →