We finally have a system to issue our new Bare Oaks membership cards. The new identification is pre-printed on one side with an image of Lake Beamor and the Bare Oaks logo. The other side is customized with the member’s picture and identifying details.
In addition to providing identification, the cards are also useful for getting discounts. Some of the larger naturist resorts provide a discount to Bare Oaks members.
In keeping with the naturist philosophy, we did our best to make the cards more environmentally friendly. They are printed on a material calledCornCard™ which is made using a corn-based plastic from NatureWorks LLC. This biopolymer named Ingeo™ offers more disposal options and is more environmentally friendly to manufacture than traditional petroleum-based plastics. It can be composted or recycled. If burned in an energy-from-waste plant, it provides more energy by weight than wood or newspaper with no volatiles and low residue. The manufacturing process is also more environmentally friendly. They are continuously reducing the waste, greenhouse gas emissions and non-renewable energy use in the manufacturing process.
To get your card, just come into the office anytime during our regular business hours and we will take your picture. Right now there’s only one person trained to print the cards so you may have to wait a few days to receive it. But we will be training more people in the next few weeks.
A big thank you to Kim, a long-time Bare Oaks member, who works for Identicam and helped us acquire the necessary equipment.