Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park strives to create an environment where members and visitors can live the core principles of Naturism.
“Naturism is a way of life in harmony with nature characterised by the practice of communal nudity with the intention of encouraging self-respect, respect for others and for the environment.”
Written by Francis Schelstraete, founder of the Domaine de Bélézy,
and adopted by the International Naturist Federation at its 1974 congress.
While most people come to naturism with the right motives, there are occasionally some that have the wrong idea or have been misled about what naturism is truly about. In order to prevent misunderstandings, we have put together this agreement that outlines the terms of your relationship with Bare Oaks. Please review it carefully as your presence at Bare Oaks implies your acceptance of this agreement. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask any of the staff of Bare Oaks.
Table of Contents
Legal Jurisdiction
This may seem obvious but some jurisprudence suggests that we need to make it clearer for some people. When you visit Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park you are in Ontario, Canada and you agree that only the laws of the Province of Ontario and of the country of Canada will govern your dealings and your relationship with Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park. We are certain that there are some very nice laws in other countries but we would prefer not to have to deal with them.
Bare Oaks is a place where we encourage people to respect each other. The vast majority of naturists understand what that means. In general, naturist conduct is about having the same manners that polite people in the textile world would exhibit.
- If you have any questions on what behaviour is inappropriate, please ask.
- If you feel that you have been the victim of inappropriate behaviour, it is important that you tell us.
- You agree to abide by Bare Oaks’ Anti-Harassment Policy. (see attached)
- Remember to respect other people’s space. A solitary member or visitor may be looking for seclusion. Please be mindful of this possibility when approaching him or her.
You may also be interested in the page Making Friends in Naturism.
Bare Oaks likes to maintain a natural environment; therefore, you may encounter unsafe surfaces and potentially hazardous environments. For example, none of the water features whether natural or manmade, are supervised. By using the Bare Oaks grounds you agree that your safety is your responsibility and that you will not hold Bare Oaks liable for harm or injury you, your children or your guests may suffer while on the property.
We love to see children and families enjoying themselves at Bare Oaks. If you bring children to Bare Oaks, whether as a parent or as guardian, you agree that you are completely responsible for their actions and their safety. Also, please read our page on Children and Naturism.
Dress Code
While naturism is more than just taking your clothes off, being nude is the philosophy’s principal method for achieving respect for self, others and the environment. Nudity is the norm at Bare Oaks. Clothes should only be worn when necessary. (To understand why, please read the page titled “Why Nudity is Required”.) Nudity is welcome everywhere and at any time. While we understand that people new to naturism need some time to adjust, nudity is still required at all times in certain areas. Some guidelines:
- Clothing should be worn only for protection.
- In the textile world, clothing is often used to denote status, to entice others, or to alter a person’s appearance. These reasons are intolerable in a naturist environment. In particular, revealing or suggestive clothing should never be worn.
- Bathing suits are never appropriate (except on children who are not toilet trained).
- Underwear by itself provides no protection and should not be worn alone.
- Experienced naturists know that most body heat is lost through the upper half of the body. When cool, naturists put on a shirt – not pants.
- Be careful how you wrap towels and sarongs around yourself, as it might suggest you are ashamed of parts of your body.
- Absolutely no clothing is permitted while swimming or using the saunas, whirlpool, and showers (except for young children who are not toilet trained).
- Women who are menstruating may choose to wear something except while swimming or when using the saunas, whirlpool, and showers. Please make sure that the item of clothing is consistent with naturist values. In other words, it should not be enticing or suggestive. It should not serve as a fashion accessory. Please select an item that is subtle and functional.
For new people who stay clothed during their adjustment period: please be respectful of others. Be discreet and avoid public spaces. To understand why we are not clothing-optional, please read the “Why Nudity is Required” page
We know that a healthy sexuality is an important part of a relationship. Furthermore, what consenting adults do in private is no one else’s business. True naturists understand that, while they have a healthy sexual life, naturism in itself is not about sexuality. Sometimes, an individual may visit because they have been misled about the sexual nature of naturism. In order to make things clear to those rare individuals, to maintain a true naturist environment, and to protect our reputation as a true naturist destination, you agree that:
- You will not partake in any overt sexual behavior,
- You will not try to recruit or invite anyone for a sexual activity, and
- You will not promote – either internally or externally – any sexual activities at Bare Oaks.
- You will let us know immediately if you witness or experience any of the above.
We respect your privacy. Your personal information will remain private except if you give us permission otherwise or when we must divulge it for legal reasons. Please read our complete privacy policy.
Naturists, in general, are sensitive to having their image exploited. Objectification and exploitation of the human body go directly against naturist principles; therefore, the use of photographic equipment (or any other image recording device) is extremely limited. You may only take pictures/video of people who have consented (or whose guardian has consented in the case of children under 18) and then only if there is no chance that someone will misunderstand your intent. Anyone surreptitiously recording images or videos will have their equipment confiscated. If you choose to take photos/videos, you agree to turn over all your image recordings to Bare Oaks management upon request so that we may review them. Furthermore, you agree that Bare Oaks management has the right to decide, at its sole discretion, to permanently confiscate any image recordings that it believes violates any of the above.
Motorized Vehicles
Bare Oaks prides itself on maintaining a people-friendly, natural environment. As such, motorized vehicles with internal combustion engines are only to be used to arrive or leave the property. Only non-polluting transportation (e.g. walking, bikes or electric vehicles) can be used for transportation within the park. In all cases, vehicles must drive only on roads and traveling speed must be kept below 11 km/hour.
General Regulations
For safety, comfort, and convenience, there are a number of directional, informational, and instructional signs at Bare Oaks to guide you. As a member or visitor, you agree to abide by the directions and instructions on them. Here are a few specific regulations that apply throughout Bare Oaks:
- Obviously, no illegal activities will be tolerated. Any illegal activities will be reported to the police.
- No weapons of any kind are permitted.
- Pets must be kept under control (i.e. on their leash) at all times and owners must clean up after their pets. Pets are not allowed in the pool, indoors, or near people who are uncomfortable in the presence of animals.
- No smoking is allowed indoors in any building, guest room or cabin. Outdoors, smoking is only allowed on your campsite and in specifically designated areas. When smoking outdoors, please take care that your smoke does not bother others and that you use an ashtray.
- Please exercise caution around the lakes, ponds, pool and hot tub; and follow the posted safety regulations.
- No glass, drink, or food near or in the ponds, lakes, pool, hot tub, or saunas.
- Because many people like to walk barefoot around the property, drinking from glass containers is not allowed.
- Children who are not toilet trained must wear a swim diaper
- When nude, always sit on a towel when using a chair, bench, or saunas.
- Use trash containers and ashtrays for all your refuse. Better yet, recycle and avoid purchasing items that contain non-recyclable materials.
- Please park courteously, using minimum space and only in designated areas. All parked vehicles must prominently display a valid permit.
- Members can purchase an RFID key band ($15) that provides 24-hour access. Overnight visitors can either purchase a key band or get a key card for a $10 deposit. Each RFID key is unique to you and should therefore not be lent to anyone else. You are responsible for all accesses and charges authorized by your RFID key so please report a lost or stolen one as soon as possible.
- Quiet hours are from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. However, excessive noise that disturbs others is never appropriate.
- Fees that we’d prefer to never charge:
- Trailer/Vehicle storage: $20/day (unless other arrangements are made in advance)
- Parking a vehicle improperly or without a valid permit: $100
- Visiting without registering: $50 plus applicable visitor fees (and possible expulsion & permanent ban)
- Driving (in any type of vehicle) at an excessive speed or dangerously: $50-$200 (and possible driving ban)
- Rules violation or inappropriate behaviour: $20-$100 (and possible expulsion & permanent ban)
For camping-specific regulations, click here.
Bare Oaks Anti-Harassment Policy
Bare Oaks wants to provide each person with a comfortable, naturist experience. To ensure this, Bare Oaks enforces the following anti-harassment policy.
It is not our intention to prohibit mutually acceptable, affectionate gestures within individual relationships or to govern the private acts of consenting adults. However, harassment in any form will not be tolerated at Bare Oaks.
Bare Oaks defines harassment as:
- Unwanted advances, remarks, suggestions, solicitations, propositions, gestures, threats, ridicule or jokes of a crude or sexual nature;
- Persistent attempts to engage another person in a clearly undesired conversation;
- Unsolicited comments about someone’s body or specific body parts;
- Persistent staring, stalking, following, voyeuristic positioning, or crowding of personal space;
- Aggressive acts or threatening body language;
- Offensive, abusive, demeaning, humiliating, threatening, or intimidating communication or behaviour;
- Intentional touching of another person without prior, mutual consent;
- Public sexual behaviour, sexual acts or displays.
Members and visitors are encouraged to immediately report any situation that seems like harassment as defined above. Bare Oaks staff will investigate, respond, and take appropriate action.
Confirmed acts of harassment will result in expulsion and, if appropriate, criminal prosecution.