In early 2013, Lianne Mauladin contacted us to see if we would be interested in having the stand-up comedians from the Merry Janes of Comedy perform at Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park. When asked if they were OK with performing clothes-free, Lianne replied that they were fine with us being naked but didn’t think they would have to be nude. After our Ethical Naturism philosophy was explained as the reason why nudity is required, she said she would ask the other comics. While she had some difficulty finding comedians willing to perform nude, she did manage to put together an excellent show. Since then, it has become a personal challenge for many in the comedy community. Performing stand-up is already one of the most intimidating performance formats; doing it nude is one of the few things that can make it even more challenging. As Aisha Alpha said in a June 2015 Torontoist article:
Comedy, for Alfa, “is me making myself vulnerable on stage, and watching a vulnerable reaction to what I put out there. I’ll be doing comedy in the nude at Bare Oaks naturist resort on June 27, and I feel like things are coming full circle: I get ‘naked’ on stage by being vulnerable regularly with my stand up comedy, and now I’m actually doing it! Nightmare juice or, perhaps, a super liberating experience.”
Some have done it repeatedly. Many have been inspired to write and incorporate new material in their routines. Others are patiently (and perhaps anxiously) waiting for their turn…
- An interview on The Naturist Living Show with the first comedians to perform nude at Bare Oaks
- Jess Beaulieu writes about her experience performing at Bare Oaks
- Lianne Mauladin talks about performing clothes-free at Bare Oaks with Dean Young on the Forever Young Podcast
- Ashley Moffatt talks about doing stand-up nude on the Todd Shapiro Show Podcast
- Lianne Mauladin talks about organizing comics for Bare Oaks on the Todd Shapiro Show Podcast
Shows are free-of-charge for registered guests and members of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park. They are held during the two volleyball tournament weekends. (July 1st weekend and 2nd weekend in August)
The Nude Stand-Up Comedy Hall of Fame
2025 schedule: June 28th and August 16th
August 2024
Keh Dee
Lianne Mauladin
Sashka DC
Precious Chong

July 2024
Lianne Mauladin
Rachelle Lauzon

August 2023
Sarah Ashby
Bobby knauff
Lianne Mauladin
Ryan Dillion

July 2023
Sheryl Cowden
Tamara Shevon
Rebecca Reeds
Lianne Mauladin

August 2022
Andie Hong
Sashka DC
Amy Cunningham
Lianne Mauladin
July 2022
Tamara Shevon
Daphney Joseph
Sarah Ashby
Lianne Mauladin

August 2021
Laura Di diablo
Cassie Cao
Sheryl Cowden
Lianne Mauladin

July 2021
Elisabeth Bailey
Heather Mac Donald
Adrienne Fish
Lianne Mauladin

August 2020
Harpreet Sehmbi
Natalie Norman
Lianne Mauladin

July 2020
Amy Cunningham
Foad HP (host)
and a mystery performer

August 2019
Karen O’Keeffe
Rachel Manson
Amanda Day
Lianne Malaudin

June 2019
Sarah Ashby
Leonard Chan
Foad HP (Host)

February 2019
The first nude stand-up comedy event held in Toronto at Absolute Comedy and organized by the GTA Skinny Dippers.
Alan Shane Lewis
Eworld B. Kim
Che Durena
Foad HP (Host)

August 2018
Melanie Dahling
Melissa story
Rebecca Reeds
Lianne Mauladin (Host)

July 2018
Adrienne Fish
Lucy Gervais
Sara Starkman
Lianne Mauladin (Host)

August 2017
Adrienne Fish
Courtney Gilmour
Ashley Moffatt
Lianne Mauladin (Host)

July 2017
Caitlin Langelier (featured)
Amanda Day (host)
Lianne Mauladin (Headliner)

August 2016
Natalie Norman
Candice Gregoris
Camilly Cote
Lianne Mauladin

July 2016
Lianne Mauladin (Headliner)
Jess Beaulieu
Amanda Day
Shirley Whalen (Host)

August 2015
Julia Hladkowicz (Headliner)
Dena Jackson
Jackie Pirico
Lianne Mauladin (Host)

July 2015
Aisha Alfa (Headliner)
Natalie Norman
Jackie Pirico
Lianne Mauladin (Host)

Kate Davis (Headliner)
Jess Beaulieu
Natalie Norman
Lianne Mauladin (Host)

Lianne Mauladin (Headliner)
Precious Chong
Amanda Day
Paul Hutcheson (Host)