Volunteer Day! Saturday May 9, 2009 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome! Lunch will be provided, free of charge, for all volunteers. Non-members who volunteer will not be charged any day fees. This year’s volunteer day will be focused on fixing up the Federation of Canadian Naturists’ Library. The FCN moved the trailer containing the library to Bare Oaks last fall. When finished, the library will contain several donated collections of magazines, newspaper clippings, videos and other archival material from the world of naturism that go back to the beginning of the 20th century. It will be an invaluable resource for anyone interestedRead More →

On March 3rd, the BBC show Horizon aired an episode titled “What’s the Problem with Nudity?” The show is very interesting. It takes 8 volunteers who have never been nude in public and subjects them to a variety of experiments involving nudity to measure their reactions. What is great is that the networks makes no attempt to hide anything. All parts of the body are shown. I wonder if the CBC would be as tolerant. The show also explores why we are the only “nude” mammal. They try to answer why humans lost their fur and when. Apparently being nude has given us a tremendousRead More →

Here’s a fun one: Go to: www.whereisnudedude.com.au Find the “nude dude” and click on himRead More →

Nikki and Chad are profiled by Shannon Higgins in the February 3rd issue of The Eyeopener, Ryerson University’s independent student newspaper. Read it online at: theeyeopener.com/articles/3970-Living-the-nude-life (and post a comment!) or read the printed version (more pictures) at: www.bareoaks.ca/files/eyeopener2.pdfRead More →

Introducing the Naturist Living Show podcast! This podcast focuses on issues of interest to naturists. Rather than trying to convince people to try naturism, the show is aimed at people who are already familiar with naturism. It analyzes topics, events and people with naturist themes. You’ll hear multiple voices from around the world. The first 3 shows include interviews with Michel Vaïs founder of the Fédération québécoise de naturisme (FQN), Mark Storey & Nicky Hoffman of the Naturist Society (TNS), and Bob Dixon of the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR). The first 3 episodes have already been posted. The plan is for future showsRead More →

While the office is generally open 7 days/week, we have decided to close for holidays during the off-season. It has been our experience during the past year that there are very few visitors on those days. Of course, facilities are always open to members using their key fob We will be closed on: New Year’s Day (Jan. 1) Family Day (3rd Monday in Feb.) Good Friday (Friday before Easter) Thanksgiving Day (2nd Monday in Oct.) Christmas Eve (Dec. 24) Christmas Day (Dec. 25) Boxing Day (Dec. 26). Sorry, but visitors are not permitted on the property when the office is closed (regardless of the eventRead More →

The Naturist Society has announced with profound sadness that its founder, Lee Baxandall, has died in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Baxandall, who had suffered from Parkinson’s Disease, was 73 years old at the time of his death on November 27, 2008. Baxandall began his work as a naturist activist more than 30 years ago. With a background in writing and publishing, Lee’s naturist passion led him in 1976 to form the Free Beaches Documentation Center, which he located in his hometown of Oshkosh. By 1980, Lee had founded The Naturist Society (TNS), and TNS had presented its first Gathering for naturists. ‘Clothed with the Sun,’ the flagshipRead More →

The hot tub is now operational again. Hopefully, it will keep working for a while longer. We had hoped to replace the tub with a newer and larger one. Most of the current hot tub’s equipment has been replaced at least once in the last 2 years. However, equipment failures continue to happen because of the poor design of the current hot tub shell. The tub that is there is the original one installed by Eric Jarvis in the early 1980’s and it is showing its age. In addition, it doesn’t work well with the newer equipment which demands greater water flow for the enhancedRead More →

Of all of society’s irrational and arbitrary attitudes towards the human body, breasts and nipples are the ones that feature the most contradictions. The ongoing fight for a woman’s right to breastfeed her baby in public illustrates the contradictory view of breasts as both sex objects and sources of nutrition and nurturing for babies. The main argument seems to be that breasts are sexual. The truth is that people are sexual. While men may find the female breast sexy, it is certainly not women’s exclusive source of sexuality. Conversely, women may find men’s chests sexual but men are not forced to hide them. This inconsistencyRead More →

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Bare Oaks discussion forums. Think of it as a cyber-hot tub. Now, members can communicate with each other securely even when they are not at the park. It’s a convenient way to discuss issues and make plans. The forums also include the option to post anonymous questions or comments for Bare Oaks management to answer. For more details, visit: www.bareoaks.ca/Bare-Oaks/Forums.htmlRead More →