The road to Beckett Circle is open Things have dried up nicely this week so we have opened the roads. Please drive carefully. There are still soft spots. And the roads may have to be closed again if we get a bunch of rain. Hot Tub It is still running well and still hot with nobody using it. A Hydro One supervisor was here today. They are working on the stray voltage problem but everyone is stumped. We hope to have a Hydro One truck at the park on Monday to check voltages at the pole. In the meantime we all wait…  Feel free toRead More →

A few weeks ago, 3 used trailers were added to the Used Trailers for Sale page which meant that there were 4 for sale. Now there are only 2 left.  So if you are interested in a used trailer, go to for details. Currently, there is one small trailer without a site that has been very well maintained. There is also a larger trailer on a premium wooded lot. So if you are interested in a trailer or a site at Bare Oaks, don’t wait until the summer. There may not be any left.Read More →

It’s starting to feel like spring. The sunlight is beginning to regain that cheery warmth that’s been missing all winter. Environment Canada is predicting Sun for this weekend with temperatures of  10ºC on Saturday and 12ºC on Sunday. But with all that warmth and sun, we’re getting our yearly muddy road mess. So until the ground thaws and absorbs all that water or things dry up a bit, we are forced to close Beckett Circle to vehicles in order to prevent damage. Of course, everyone is welcome to walk around everywhere but rubber boots are definitely recommended!Read More →

On February 24th, I participated in a lobby day at the Ontario Legislature as part of a delegation from Camping in Ontario. We had arranged to meet a with several MPPs (Members of the Provincial Parliament) to make them aware of issues that impact campgrounds. My colleagues frequently used the naturist aspect of Bare Oaks as a conversation starter when we met with an MPP. In the afternoon, some of us had some spare time between appointments so we decided to observe the legislature in action from the visitors’ gallery. While we were there, the following exchange occurred: Mr. John O’Toole (Durham): Mr. Speaker, withRead More →

Google Maps’ Streetview has been expanded and now goes right past Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park. From the looks of things, it was taken last summer. It will make it even easier for anyone trying to find their way to the park. To see it, just click here. Streetview is also embedded into this blog post right below this paragraph. If you can’t see it, it might be an issue with your browser or that you are reading this using a blog reader or email program. View Larger MapRead More →

The new hot tub has been working well since early December.  And we have been approved by the department of health. But this project has been fraught with unforeseen complications and it hasn’t stopped yet. We have experienced unexpected problems with the foundation, piping, heater, pumps, wiring, circuit breakers, etc… Each problem required investigation, sourcing and remediation. Each time that happened, it often took weeks to get an expert to give us the solution and then a further wait for parts to arrive. I was asked this week when I thought the hot tub would be open. My answer was “last June”.  I honestly believedRead More →

Last year, several people were disappointed to find out that there were no long-term campsites left at Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park. We’re happy to announce that there are a few opportunities in Beckett Circle for people looking for a year-round campsite. Here are your options: 1. Take an empty site We opened several sites this year by clearing some brush and adding access to electricity & water in some areas. In addition, we had a couple of people give up their site. During the busy season, it was hard to figure out where we stood because we were always booked with visitors and weRead More →

The latest issue of British Naturism (the magazine of the naturist federation in the UK) features an article that talks about Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park.  You can read the complete article at: You can also learn more about naturism in the UK at: You can order their magazine from their online shop: More →

Please remember that when ice is covering the water, its thickness can vary greatly and conditions can change quickly. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK The presence of an ice rink or people on the ice is not a guarantee of safety. Ice should be at least 10 cm thick before venturing on it. Stay away from cracks, seams, pressure ridges, slushy areas and darker areas that signify thinner ice. Do not congregate in one area. Do not venture onto the ice alone or in the dark. EVEN IF THE TEMPERATURE IS COLD, NO ICE IS WITHOUT RISK Please read the following fact sheets from theRead More →