We are very happy to announce that Liz Savel will be operating the Bare Bistro this summer.  Many of you will know Liz from the wonderful volunteer dinners and breakfasts during the winter season. Liz enjoyed volunteering so much that she decided to try it as a business this year. We have had a hard time finding the right person to operate the restaurant at Bare Oaks. (we’ve had 4 people in 3 years) But we think that Liz has the right combination of customer service skills, cooking talent and business ability. And for the first time, the Bare Bistro will be open 7 daysRead More →

For the past few years, we have provided an informal service for members who wish to receive mail at Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park. It has worked relatively well but there are some problems. First, several people have expressed concerns that our current mail handling system lacks privacy. It is certainly true that anyone can see what mail you are receiving. Secondly, the present system provides minimal security provisions. Anyone could take your mail without your knowledge. Finally, the volume of mail we have been dealing with has been growing steadily. We therefore require a more secure, formal and cost-effective mail handling process. So effectiveRead More →

Photo by:Modulor In Winnipeg, Ray and Sue Ryynanen, who are the owners of the land where the Crocus Grove Sun Club resides, decided to turn it into a textile campground and rename the property as Sandhill Pines. The media naturally jumped to the conclusion (with the recent stories about the closing of Glen Echo) that naturism in Canada was on the decline. This resulted in some press coverage for Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park because we are an exception to that conclusion. The Crocus Grove Sun Club is also disagreeing with that inference. They are actively looking for a new property. The Canadian Press did a story that wasRead More →

In 2009, several people from Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park participated in the Toronto portion of the World Naked Bike Ride. Join us on June 12th for the 2010 ride! Click here for details. According to the WNBR website: It’s time to put a stop to the indecent exposure of people and the planet to cars and the pollution they create. We face automobile traffic with our naked bodies as the best way of defending our dignity and exposing the vulnerability faced by cyclists and pedestrians on our streets as well as the negative consequences we all face due to dependence on oil, and otherRead More →

An article by Allison Cross of the Canwest News Service talks extensively about Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park. The story is showing up on a number of Canwest newspaper websites. It’s is difficult to know how many of the newspapers have the story on their printed edition. Of course, it is great publicity either way in this age of electronic communications! Here are some of the links: Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, Vancouver Sun,  Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen, Canada.com, Windsor Star The story has also been picked up by a number of blogs and news aggregators such as WBIR an NBC TV affiliate in Knoxville, Tennessee and Internaturally. Expect more to pick this upRead More →

Photo by Coffeego Thinking of taking out a new membership? Planning a stay at Bare Oaks this summer? If you book before April 30th, you will save 8% !! That’s because the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has informed us that, starting May 1st, membership fees and camping fees are subject to the HST of 13%. (up to now, only 5% GST was applied) But we don’t have to charge the HST until May 1st even if the service will be delivered after July 1st. [Click here for all the gory details] So pay by April 30th and SAVE 8% !!!!Read More →

YES!  It’s finally done!!!!!!!!! We finally managed to get the the approvals we needed. So come by, relax and enjoy!! We appreciate the patience that everyone showed through the last few months. This project was only supposed to take two months but we ran into an unbelievable number of problems. In fact, the stray voltage was typical of the huge number of frustrating and unpredictable issues we encountered. But it is finally done!! While Hydro One is still feeding us stray voltage down our neutral feed, we managed to ground it away in the hot tub area. So the stray voltage problem is not actuallyRead More →

Contrary to what our website says, we will be open tomorrow. (limited hours: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) We normally close for statutory holidays during the off-season.  And normally, Good Friday is cold and there’s often still snow on the ground. But that’s certainly not the case this year!!  This picture was taken yesterday. While the weather is hot, that water is still really cold! But they went all the way in!! Friday, April 2nd (Good Friday) Office/Store Hours:  10 a.m. to 3 p.m. We are open normal hours on Saturday and Sunday. (But facilities are always open for members)Read More →

Volunteer Day! Saturday May 1, 2010 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome! Lunch will be provided, free of charge, for all volunteers. Non-members who volunteer will not be charged any day fees. (please register at the office) We really appreciate the multitude of people willing to give up their time to make Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park a better place. While there are many people volunteering all year, this is the day we set aside for a massive volunteer effort to get things ready for the season. We are told that it is also a fun day that many people look forward to.Read More →

Saturday March 27 8:30 – 9:30 p.m. At Bare Oaks, we will turn off as many lights and other electrical devices as we can for Earth Hour. Hundreds of millions of people around the world will turn off their lights for an hour to demand action on climate change. But that’s just the beginning. Every hour, Canadians are taking small steps to lessen their impact on the environment. From hanging your clothes to dry to taking transit to work, those small steps add up to huge changes for the better. If you are at Bare Oaks, please help us by turning off as many thingsRead More →