The new mini-golf is now open! Everyone is welcome to play.  Putters and golf balls are available in the office. This was not a Bare Oaks undertaking. Rather, it is the fulfillment of 3 years of dedication and perseverance by several Bare Oaks members who wanted to create a project that would enhance their park. Paul, one of the main organizers, tells the story as follows: The idea germinated during discussions between members during the summer of 2008. Fundraising started September 2008 and ran through May 2010.  The money was raised though numerous dances and casual meals offered by members over the winter seasons.  TheRead More →

The 2011 Naturist Festival by the FCN & FQN was a huge success!!  Fantastic weather ensured that hundreds of people attended and participated. The festival itself is over but there are still many events scheduled for August! Some of the events are organized by Bare Oaks but most of the events are done by the members either through the Bare Oaks Social Committee or the Bare Bistro. Euchre Night– August 12 Horseshoe Tournament– August 13 Country & Western Hoedown – August 13 Bare Olympics – August 20 BOSC Breakfast Reception – August 21 Lee Baxandall Memorial Volleyball Tournament – August 26 – 28 Easter inRead More →

Twenty years ago today, on July 19, 1991, Gwen Jacob took off her shirt and walked home from the University of Guelph. She was charged with committing an indecent act. (Section 173 of the Criminal Code of Canada) It was actually the second time that she had walked top-free in the City of Guelph during 33C weather. The first stroll only generated puzzled reactions. But on the second day, she ran into more opposition when she stopped to talk on Ontario Street. A Ms. Pettifer called the police after after Gwen Jacob refused her request to cover up. Another resident of that street, Ms. Snarr,Read More →

You want to tell your friends, family and co-workers that you are a naturist. But you don’t want to make a big announcement and you’re not sure how to bring up the subject. After all, it’s a natural thing to do and isn’t a big deal. Here’s the solution. Get yourself the Bare Oaks mug and just casually drink your morning coffee in it.  Or just leave it laying around. It’s bound to generate some questions.  The cartoon nature of the image makes it relatively inoffensive. The variety of ages, genders, and types of people shows that naturism is for everyone. Of course, make sure youRead More →

The movie stars are coming! Josh McVaney (Trevor Wilson) and Katie Hall (Leah Collins) will be at the Toronto screening. As previously announced, J.P.Riley, the director, will be there. Maya Kuper, the sound designer, will also be there. Hollywood is coming to Toronto for the International Premiere of Act Naturally!  At this point, no other screenings are planned outside of the United States. Date: Sunday, June 26, 2011 Time: 5:00 p.m. EDT (clothing-free) & 7:00 p.m. EDT (clothing-optional) Place: Fox Theatre, 2236 Queen Street East, Toronto More info: The deadline for advance tickets sales has been extended to June 24th. Time is runningRead More →

(Click here to download the Toronto movie poster) Attend an advance screening, clothes-free, of the movie Act Naturally in Toronto on Sunday June 26, 2011. Finally, a Hollywood movie about naturism that doesn’t exploit naturists!  This indie film was produced over the last few years as their limited budget allowed. Previews such as this one are being organized around North America as fundraisers to help the producers to fund the final step of getting the film into theatre distribution. Date: Sunday June 26, 2011 Time:  Two options: 5pm – Clothing-FREE  7pm – Clothing-optional Attendees for the 5pm show can stay free for the 7pm showRead More →

As of the Victoria Day weekend, the Bare Bistro is open 7 days a week again. The weekday host this year is Sabina. (pictured above) Weekday hours are 11 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. except for Friday when they are open until 8 p.m. On weekends and holidays, the Bare Bistro continues to offer extended hours that include breakfast. As announced last year, Liz has continued to operate the Bare Bistro. Her friendly disposition and passion for quality food is very much appreciated by both members and visitors. As I’m sure you read last year, she even got positive reviews from the Globe and Mail andRead More →

Naturism and Bare Oaks was the topic on the Friday May 27th edition of Q on CBC radio. Listen to the podcast version at: The naturist segment begins about 7 minutes into the show.Read More →

Yoga classes will start this Saturday, May 28th and continue throughout the summer. They will take place in our freshened up Outback building in the Yogi Bare Studio. The classes are being organized independently by Nikki Lafrance who is also the instructor.  She is offering 3 one hour classes a week: Tuesday’s class is gentle(1-2pm), Thursday’s class is fun(8-9pm), and Saturday’s class is energetic(11:30-12:30pm). The Daily Drop-In fee is $14 or you can purchase a 6 class package for $65. You can pay her directly or through the Bare Oaks office. Nikki is a nurturing and compassionate teacher working towards her 200hr Teaching Certificate. She’dRead More →

This afternoon, the York Region Department of Health Inspector has given us the green light to announce that the pool is open!! Since we’ve been heating it all week, the water is at a very comfortable 29ºC (84ºF). And with the sun finally shining on the solar collectors, expect that to keep climbing! Also, the volleyball aficionados in the park have decided that every Saturday and Sunday at 2pm is volleyball time. Everyone is welcome to join in!  Don’t know how to play?  That’s OK, they’ll happily teach you.Read More →