Woodall’s Family Camping Blog has a good article on how to prepare your recreation vehicle (RV) for the winter: http://blog.woodalls.com/2010/10/winterizing-your-rv-a-step-by-step-time-proven-system-to-get-the-job-done-right Photo by brentolsonRead More →

We’ve held out as long as we could but frost is now a possibility at night.  So we will be shutting down the seasonal water (Beckett Circle) on Monday, October 31st. If you have a trailer, this is also the time to winterize it otherwise you may experience damage.  If you need someone to winterize your trailer, please contact the office for recommendations. But the clubhouse with its hot tub, saunas and fireplaces is open all year and members are most welcome to continue using the property and their trailers throughout the winter.Read More →

The call box at the entrance to Sun Valley Gardens circa 1964 Some people will have noticed that we have the old call box from Sun Valley Gardens hanging on the wall in the Bare Oaks office. The club had a significant impact on Ontario’s naturist scene. Almost every existing club in Southern Ontario (and a few that have since closed) in some way owe their existence to former members of SVG. A 1961 interview with Karl and Marlies Ruehle, owners of Sun Valley Gardens, has been posted in the CBC’s archives. They are being interviewed by a young June Callwood on CBC-TV’s Close-Up. http://archives.cbc.ca/lifestyle/living/clips/17573/ Note:Read More →

The Toronto Star has picked up the Reuters photos and made them into a slide show: http://PhotoGallery.TheStar.com/1056411 It includes some photos that were not in the Reuters Blog but were still taken by Mark Blinch from Reuters. It has also been picked up around the world in places like the USA: http://photoblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/09/20/7859951-nudity-not-optional-for-photographer-at-naturist-camp-in-canada Argentina: http://www.misionlandia.com.ar/index.php/cultura/curiosidades/23786-la-practica-de-nudismo-comunitario-es-posible-en-canada.html China: http://news.ifeng.com/photo/hdsociety/detail_2011_09/20/9326344_0.shtml Romania: http://www.evz.ro/detalii/stiri/lumea-vazuta-prin-teleobiectiv-sanctuar-nudist-946304.html Vietnam: http://www32.24h.com.vn/phi-thuong-ky-quac/cong-vien-khoa-than-tai-canada-c159a405068.html World: (17 editions, published in 10 languages across 13 countries) http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/217124/20110920/nudist-vacations-naturist-travel-naked-toronto-bare-oaks-family-naturist-park.htmRead More →

Mark Blinch, a photographer with the Reuters News Agency, contacted us in June about a project he was doing on “what it means to get back to nature,  movements on how people find alternatives to cope with big city living, and what it means to our health when we are absent from nature.”  He wanted to know if he could explore the naturist movement in that context.  We agreed and he spent a few days at Bare Oaks both as a participant and as a reporter.  The fact that he took his time and tried it himself really shows in the resulting video: http://blogs.reuters.com/photo/2011/09/19/naturism-these-images-contain-nudity/ TheseRead More →

Mount Albert Family Fun Fest & Music Mania Saturday, September 24th It’s not a Bare Oaks event but it is an event in our community which we support.  And it’s a fun time!! The village of Mount Albert is located about 5 km southeast of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park.  Maps are available in the office. FREE ADMISSION • FREE PARKING Downtown Mount Albert (Community Centre) FAMLY FUN FEST Starts at 10 am Bouncy Castle •  Pony Rides •  Pumpkin Decorating • Vendors •  Festival Games & Crafts • Live Performances • Free “Test Drive Your Fitness” Classes •  Story Time • Contests •  Chaotic Exotic AnimalsRead More →

Each year, there is pressure to hold the members’ meeting as early as possible before some of our retired members head south.  That always makes it difficult to effectively evaluate the past season which has barely finished. It also makes it challenging to announce plans for the next season so the projects and ideas are usually vague. To solve this, the members’ meeting is being moved to the spring – likely in April. That way, we’ll be able to be very specific about the plans for the summer and report much more accurately on the previous year. The change in timing shouldn’t have any impactRead More →

A recent Toronto Star article reported on a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It confirms previous evidence that caffeine helps prevent some skin cancers. We all know by now that there is plenty of evidence that sunshine and vitamin D are very important to our health. (See the May 2010 blog post) But skin cancer remains a concern so treating the sun with respect is also important.  But now it seems, that a cup of coffee prior to getting your sun exposure might be a key part too! Other research has also linked coffee consumption to lowering the risk of colorectalRead More →

Given the popularity of the restaurant, we’ve extended the hours into the fall. In the past, the restaurant switched to weekend-only hours after labour day. But this year, for September, the Bare Bistro will be open: Monday to Friday: 11 am to 3 pm  Saturday: 8 am to 8 pm Sunday: 8 am to 3 pm Of course, Liz is always happy to stay open a bit longer if the weather is good and there are customers around. Visit www.BareBistro.ca for hours, menu, events and announcements.Read More →

Over the last week, several members have approached staff with disturbing rumours about the film that was shot at Bare Oaks on August 15th to 17th. We really appreciate those members who took the time to find out the facts by asking us directly. To spread such rumours without even trying to check the facts would be malicious. But in case anyone has heard the stories but hasn’t had a chance to ask us yet, here are the facts: Not porn This is the most surprising part of the rumour.  Given our clear position against pornography, it is dumbfounding that anyone would believe that we wouldRead More →