We are very pleased to announce that Kevin Linkie is now the independent operator of the Bare Bistro at Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park. Kevin has been a regular for many years. He is very excited about combining his enthusiasm for the park with his passion for food. Not only does Kevin have a friendly and engaging personality but he is also a professional chef with years of foodservice experience. He has many ideas and has already implemented a few of them. But it will take some time for him to catch up with all facets of the business he has taken over. Of course,Read More →

Bare Oaks is considering installing a dedicated fibre-optic internet feed. That would provide speeds of more than 1,000 megabits per second which is more than enough bandwidth for everyone to watch video services like Netflix. But the cost is very high. So before we proceed, we need to make sure that there is enough demand to cover the expense. Please help us by answering a few questions. Take the survey: http://skyclad.me/internetRead More →

The Bare Oaks Players are holding auditions for the 2015 season – by appointment only. Call 905-473-6465 or email bop@bareoaks.ca (preferred). To audition, you need to have a piece prepared to present to the 3 Directors (Royce, Marc and Judy) that is not from the current playbill. It’s OK not to have it memorized and it should not be more than 4 minutes long. Dates currently available: Thursday April 30th @ 7:00pm. 7:30pm, 8:00pm and 8:30pm Saturday May 2nd @ 10:00am, 10:30am, 11:00am, 2:00pm, 2:30pm, 3:00pm Sunday May 3rd @ 2:00pm, 2:30pm, 3:00pm Thursday May 7th @ 7:00pm. 7:30pm, 8:00pm and 8:30pm Saturday May 9thRead More →

It’s time again for our annual volunteer day. While there are many people volunteering all year, this is the day we set aside for a massive volunteer effort to get things ready for the season. We are told that it is also a fun day that many people look forward to. A big thank you to the multitude of people willing to give up their time to make Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park a better place. Volunteer Day –  Saturday May 2, 2015 10am to 3pm Everyone is welcome! Lunch will be provided, free of charge, for all volunteers. Jobs vary from laying screening onRead More →

We are sorry to announce that, effective immediately, we will no longer be assigning long-term campsites. The waiting list has been discontinued. Any long-term site that is relinquished will become a short-term campsite. All projects that contribute to making campsites more usable for long-term stays have been stopped. Members with an existing long-term agreement will still be allowed to sell their trailer with the site if the new site-holders qualify for membership. But any potential purchaser will be subject to increased scrutiny. The reason for this is that an individual, with the assistance of a few members, has made long-term campsites unsustainable. How we gotRead More →

Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park has worked with THEMUSEUM to organize a clothes-free evening in the Getting Naked exhibit of nude art on Friday, March 27, 2015 from 7pm to 10pm. You can buy your tickets here. If you want to use Facebook to invite others, here is the event. If you prefer Google+, here is the event. By being nude themselves, the viewers will experience an atypical relationship with the art. No longer in a position of being a mere voyeurs, the exhibit guests will become part of the works themselves as they explore their own feelings in relation to the artists’ intent. THEMUSEUMRead More →

 As we reflect on the horrible events in Paris, we may not think that there are any implications for naturism. Yet there are. Certainly, nobody is killing us for our beliefs. Nor are any naturists turning violent against those who oppose us. But at the core of the Charlie Hebdo event is the concept of offence. That is the same notion that is used to justify restricting your right to sunbathe clothing-free at the beach, in the park or even in your backyard at home. The news media is debating whether to show the latest cover of Charlie Hebdo because it depicts the Islamic prophetRead More →

The French naturist federation (Fédération française de Naturisme or FFN) posted the following yesterday: It is with deep sadness that the Fédération française de Naturisme has learned of the passing of Christiane Lecoq at the retirement home in Chatou (Yvelines), on Wednesday December 24. The funeral will be held on Friday January 2, 2015 at the Notre-Dame de Chatou church (Yvelines), place Ste Marie at 11h00 followed by the interment at the Carrières-sur-Seine cemetery where she will join her late husband, Albert Lecocq. This news sends into mourning the naturist movement not just in France but worldwide. In fact, this venerable resident of Carrières-sur-Seine, nativeRead More →

What do real Canadians do in the winter?  Take off all their clothes and play nude volleyball of course!   The 8th Annual Holiday Indoor Nude Volleyball Tournament will be taking place this year on January 3rd at Spikes in London, Ontario.  The price will be $15 per person for both players and spectators.  Families with children under 18 will be $30.  Spikes has 4 sand courts.  Courts will be divided up by level of play.  Levels are A, B, Novice Plus and Novice.  The A and B level will be playing a 6=4 on 4 format.  The Novice and Novice Plus levels will beRead More →

While things are much quieter at Bare Oaks in the winter, we are still open almost every day. Hot tub, sauna, billiards, table tennis, darts, or just hanging out by the fireplace may seem like the obvious activities. But the outdoors are beautiful in the winter too! Thanks to Wendy and Kim, we now have about 2.5 km of snowshoe trail set for the active part of the membership and interested day visitors. Hopefully the mild weather won’t impact the trails too much. Trails loop around both ponds, lake and of course traverse the Bush Bunny trail in the forest. These can also double asRead More →