A few days ago Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park turned eleven years old (11 years since the current owners took over; 45 since it began as the Toronto Helios Society) which means last year was our decennial anniversary. The Federation of Canadian Naturists (FCN) published an article in the summer issue of Going Natural/Au naturel magazine which contained reflections about the growth of our club as well as the struggle of other clubs. You can read it online: http://www.bareoaks.ca/files/GN_32-2_Summer_2017-BareOaks.pdf You can read this article and many more if you join the FCN: https://fcn.ca/new-signupRead More →

After 10 years of frustration, we finally have a super-fast internet connection to the outside world through Vianet. It’s like we’ve gone from dial-up to fibre! (a dedicated, bidirectional 100Mbps connection for the geeks out there)Read More →

Today is Karen Bowen’s first day as Operations Manager of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park! (she has been learning the ropes for the last week and a bit) Many know Karen from last summer as she was a regular team member in the Bare Bistro or from the summer of 2016 when she worked in the office. Karen recently retired from the Toronto Transit Commission where she worked for over 17 years. She has excellent customer service and organizational skills which makes her perfect for her new role. But most importantly she is incredibly passionate about naturism and Bare Oaks. She was so taken byRead More →

*** September 28 update*** Because only 6 campsite expressed interest, we will not be proceeding with this project. We would have needed a much larger number to get Shaw’s interest. Shaw Direct is offering members of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park who have a long-term campsite a great deal on satellite TV! But the offer will only go ahead if enough people sign up. Bare Oaks members with a long term campsite, please take the following survey to find out the details and let us know whether are interested or not. Survey: http://skyclad.me/shaw Please take this survey ONLY if you currently have a long-term campsiteRead More →

We are pleased to announce Stephanie Lynn has joined us as the new operations manager. Aside from her pleasant disposition and recently acquired passion for naturism, Stephanie brings extensive experience in project management; policy development and implementation; and team collaboration. Adam has done a fabulous job bridging the gap and he will continue for a month or two during the transition. He has truly enjoyed his time in the role and we’ve received many compliments. But it was always clear that this was a temporary job as he has other plans for the fall.Read More →

We are pleased to announce two new instructors who are here to lead you in yoga, meditation, and belly dancing: Sharamine Clarke and Samantha Novak. Sharamine, a long-term, year-round Bare Oaks member, is a certified yoga instructor, belly dancing teacher, and drum circle leader. Samantha is a certified Yoga teacher from the United States who has recently moved to Ontario and is looking for an audience of interested parties that are wanting to share her passion for yoga. Sharamine Clarke Let your Body be the most beautiful thing you wear. Hatha Yoga for all levels all ages modified poses available Join me for a NudeRead More →

The 2017 Naked State Art Residency is off to a great start! Learn about this year’s artists: http://nakedstate.ca/artists-2017/ There are many opportunities for members and visitors to meet the artists, get involved in their work, and experience their art. Visitors and members of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park are invited to attend the following: Mon 24, 8-9pm Stéphane Deschênes’ talk on naturism (main building, downstairs) Tue 25, 4-6pm  Wed 26, 4-6pm Half-hour scheduled studio visits (Outback and Marquis Tent in Glen Echo Field) The Naked State artists are interested in getting to know members of the Bare Oaks community, and would also love to answer anyRead More →

As you may have noticed, LeeAnne has not been around the park for a while. That’s because she has been on leave for personal reasons since June 29th. As the length of her absence is undetermined, we have hired Adam Purdy to fill in while she is away. Today is his first day on the job. So please take it easy on him as he struggles to learn all of the processes and procedures! Adam has an extensive background in HR and business management. We are fortunate that he is available on such short notice. His previous experience will certainly be an asset to theRead More →

Today we applied a solution of Magnesium Chloride to minimize road dust. We did this last year and it was very effective. As anybody who visited Bare Oaks in the last week has certainly noticed, we also did a lot of work this week on the main road to improve drainage. About Magnesium Chloride: Unlike other dust control agents (e.g. Calcium Chloride) it: Generally does not cause skin irritation Is less toxic than regular salt or baking soda Does not damage plants (except if sprayed directly on the leaves — like any fertilizer) Will last the entire season with only one application An MSDS sheetRead More →

Most people know that we have not been assigning any long-term campsites since March 2015. Other than trailer sales, long-term sites that were relinquished became short-term campsites. As we explained in the March 21, 2015 blog post, the cause was an individual who managed to convince the Landlord Tenant Board (LTB) that he was protected by the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA). For the reasons explained in the blog post, this was very problematic to maintaining a naturist environment. Emboldened by this decision, two other members decided last fall to ignore our rules and turn their campsite into a permanent residence. They filed a claim withRead More →